Sunday 23 February 2014

Kollektivet: The Fantasy Writer Without Imagination

Jørg R. R. Martinsen is a writer, a Fantasy writer to be exact. Too bad he lacks imagination.

This is Jørg R. R. Martinsen, he writes fantasy literature.
The fantasy genre has had a major popularity peek in later years, thanks due to motion pictures such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and TV-shows such as Game of Thrones.
Typical elements within the genre is magic and the supernatural, taking place in unique fantasy worlds.
This puts high demands on the writers imagination being as imaginative as possible. 


The most important thing when writing books on fantasy is fantasy. Imagination that is.
Of which I have plenty. It’s like they say; “your imagination is the limit” and my imagination is limitless.

-Once upon a time, quite some time ago, in a parallel universe to the one we live in, there was a land called Norgia. It was ruled by some kind of king, that resembles the kind of king that we have, but this king had far greater power. And his name was Hermine. Because you see, in Norgia, girls names were boys names, and boys names were girls names. -

Of course, I do have days where my imagination is just non-existent, but today is not one of those days. Todays imagination-levels are so high that I’m actually considering creating a new race, that will be totally unique to my series.

-They were quite tall creatures, a little bit shorter than humans, but taller then both dwarfs and hobbits. They were the Shmenkind. -

One of the most amazing things about writing fantasy is the fact that you can create your own languages. Just like Tolkien did when he created Elvish. Just like him,  I've created a totally new language for my Shmenkind-race; Shmennish.

-"Whet ere yeo deing?" Said Geir-Geir to Lassolass. "E’m treing te enchent whet me wend, bet E jest cen’t de it. corrects : cen’t de et." -

I haven’t solved all the grammatical rules in Shmennish yet, which I must admit, has been a little bit of a challenge.
"Whet es geing en Geir-Geir?"

At the moment, I am really taken with Game of Thrones. I think it’s because it’s so grown-up, raw and brutal. There is of course also a lot of sex in the series, and since my books are also targeted at an adult audience, I have also incorporated… that.
But I am not in any way trying to one-up Game of Thrones, just so that’s clear.

-He had sex with her, but not quite as much sex as they have in Game of Thrones. -

The most important thing is that you have the elementary knowledge of regular sex as a base.

-He touched her boob, of which she had three. And then they had sex again, in the way that you usually have sex. -

I think sometimes, that I’ve almost got too much imagination. It’s in danger of running over.

-Anders-Panders rode on a majestic Shunicorn. The Shunicorn could be mistaken for a unicorn in it's appearance.
Anders-Panders rode majestically in front of his men and shouted;
"There es where the bettle es teking plece."
"Ere yeo reedy men?" The men cheered by synchronically snapping their fingers.
"Ceme en men! Nebedy leves ferever! Whesh deeth welceme!"
And so they rode, with Anders-Panders in the front, and his men fallowing close behind, on vampire-pigs.
Towards them came scary dragon-like creatures, that did not breathe fire. No, they breathed diet soda, so that everyone exposed to it risked going blind due to the sweetener; aspartame.
The two sides crashed into each other in a violent scuffle. Anders-Panders yelled: "Avada Carbonara!" And everything went black! White! Then Green! Dirty Green! Then black! THE END -

That’s that. That was THE END.
-Or so Anders-Panders thought, until he suddenly regained his sight! -

I just can’t seem to help myself, I just can’t stop. My imagination just takes on a life of it’s own.

-"We mest servive!...". -

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